New Student Orientation Presentation Request

If you are a student: 

Please reach out to your student affairs team or program administrator to find out when Columbia Health's presentation is scheduled during your program's new student orientation.

For program administrators or student affairs officers:

Columbia Health offers a comprehensive orientation session to inform new students about the important requirements and resources of this department and its related programs and services. 

Virtual or in-person presentations run between 20-40 minutes. Presentations are 15-20 minutes long and include 2 short videos. Q&A with Health staff typically runs between 5-15 minutes, depending on the volume and complexity of questions from the students.

For schools running an asynchronous online orientation, Columbia Health can provide a comprehensive video with additional resources that students can engage at their leisure. 

All Columbia Health presentations include an overview of:

  • Alice! Health Promotion, including GHAP (Gay Health Advocacy Project)
  • Counseling and Psychological Services
  • Disability Services
  • Medical Services
  • Student Health Insurance and Immunization Compliance

Note: While a department of Columbia Health, the mandatory Sexual Violence Response orientations MUST be scheduled separately.  We suggest scheduling Columbia Health and Sexual Violence Response orientations back-to-back if possible.

Schools and departments may also request tabling presence for campus resource fairs.

To schedule one of the custom sessions listed below, please contact the Health Communications team at [email protected] so we can organize a session that best fits your needs.

  • Student Health Insurance drop-in session - offered year-round. A health insurance specialist will host one-on-one conversations, "office hours" style. It is your responsibility to advertise and find a convenient location for your students.
  • "Meet and Greet" with a Columbia Health department - if your student population would like an intensive with a specific department. This could include an office visit. It is your responsibility to advertise and find a convenient location for your students.
  • Subject matter expert - offered year round. Columbia Health will provide an expert on a specific health topic, program, or service that is crucial to your student population. It is your responsibility to advertise and find a convenient location for your students.
Student Information
Enrollment status
Time and Location
Naloxone Training

Columbia Health is gauging interest in offering Naloxone training as a part of new student orientation programming. It would be offered within the same week as the NSOP as a separate, optional session. 

For more information, visit our website.

Would you be interested in making Naloxone training a part of your orientation programming?