Fall 2018 Progress on Columbia-JED Project Plan

Columbia Health is proud to be one of the University partners working in collaboration with the Jed Foundation (JED) to enhance student health and well-being on campus. Progress updates on the Columbia-JED Campus Strategic Plan made during Fall Term 2018 are detailed on the Live Well | Learn Well website on the JED Partnership page. Notable highlights from Columbia Health-led workgroups include:

  • Ensure incoming students with health histories are supported in their transition to college (Objective 4)
    Within Medical Services, two new case manager positions are created, in order to oversee the Health History program moving forward. Both will begin during the Spring 2019 semester.
  • Provide robust screening opportunities at diverse touchpoints in the student experience (Objective 5)
    Fall 2018 utilization of the screening tools ULifeLine and BASICS increased as a result of broader advertisement/promotions by Alice! Health Promotion and additional campus partners.
  • Train campus community members to identify, reach out to and refer students who may be struggling (Objective 6)
    Work started on refinement of the Gatekeeper Training content and materials, training to all Core Curriculum faculty, and evaluation of expansion of Gatekeeper Training further among faculty.

  • Promote help-seeking behavior through de-stigmatization efforts and increased access to resource information. (Objective 7, 9, 10)
    In December 2018, work began on a Student Ambassador program in which appointed student leaders from all three undergraduate schools will serve as liaisons to Columbia Health, providing information about available services, helping connect students with resources and providing feedback that may be useful to Columbia Health in improving programs and in resolving problems students may encounter. 

  • Ensure substance use policies and protocols best support students (Objective 11)
    Ninety percent of Medical Services staff in Columbia Health completed training in use of Naloxone. Pilot program to expand Naloxone training to the Columbia community in development.

Read more about the work being done within Columbia Health to further these objectives, as well as progress made by other work teams collaborating on this critical initiative: wellbeing.columbia.edu/JED


January 24, 2019